Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Be Gone!

I just can't deal with the overabundance of townies and Eaxis playables SWARMING ALL OVER Belladonna Cove.

And I do mean SWARMING!

Just because I got interested in one Eaxis family does not mean I wish to be subjected to SWARMS.

So I cloned everysim of importance yesterday, installed a clean template, and am now busily making decent Sims to provide a background population for the hood.

Some notes of interest (or not):

-- Never, never ignore an error message in SimPE. I did and ended up replacing Laurel, Sophia, Marcus, the Drummond twins, and the twins' grandmother with clones of Kate Seldon. WTH. Luckily, I am aware of my ineptitude and had made a backup since I knew I'd screw something up. So it's all good now.

-- Even with a blank template, there are still over 50 characters required to run Belladonna Cove! I could do NPC replacements, but that's a bit too much effort for right now. I'll never see most of those NPCs, anyway. My main interest is decreasing the SWARM!

-- I've prosperity rolled about 15 or so families so far and guess how many teenagers I've gotten. One!

-- I said I prosperity rolled them, but that's a lie. I actually DO start the families out that way, I'll add, subtract, or split up families to make things more realistic. For example, I always seem to get a jillion single parent families, so after a while, I just start adding in another parent. Or, if I get too many elder-adult-children families, I'll break them up into smaller households.

-- I really like making Sim families.

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