Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Noes! What Have I Done?!?!?

I adore Sophia, but I am starting to feel pretty bad about putting all these other innocent chillens in her path. First the Drummond twins, now poor little Brianna Seldon. Oh, bad, bad Beverly.

Do y'all ever feel sorry for your Sims after you make bad things happen to them?


  1. I sure don't! hahahaha

    Actually, I do remember feeling bad a couple of years ago when I was still learning to play the game. The first sim I ever made had Cassandra Goth for a live-in girlfriend. At some point, I found out that she was engaged. But no matter what I had her do to Don, the break-up option never appeared. So my boyfriend suggested killing Don. He then built wall around Don one night, leaving Don to starve to death. I felt terrible.

  2. Oh, no! That reminds me of the first Sim I ever had back in the Sims 1. This was before I knew about smoke detectors. I said to my husband, "Look, watch her cook something!" and up in flames she went. We were both shocked when the Grim Reaper showed up. My husband would never play the game after that, and I can't bear to kill a Sim to this day.

    RIP Ellen Sim. Alas, we hardly knew ye!

  3. Perhaps she and your first Don are together in that Great Sim Game in the Sky . . . .
